Follow it.
The Part you can't slack on is the part that says "Change Something."
That site is by Gretchen Rubin who write the book
The Happiness Project.
She talks about how you can be happy in different parts of your life and how you can't just wait for happiness to come along.
Amen sista!
I fully agree and say this often.
We have to make our own destiny.
We decide what we're going to be happy about and what we're going to get upset, jealous or angry about.
Isn't it better to filter out some of the things that make us angry?
Ask yourself "Does this really matter in my life?"
"Does this affect my loved ones safety and true happiness?"
"Will this have a great impact on my family, home or career?"
You will probably realize half of those little things don't matter.
It's so easy to get frustrated over meaningless things.
The plate that got dropped on the floor and shattered.
Waking up late.
Getting every red light when you're in a hurry.
Spilling a whole glass of something you know will dry sticky.
Burning dinner. (Which I have only done once in my life, thank goodness. Because apparently I can't operate a stove and accidently turned it to HIGH when I thought I was turning it to LOW and walked away to let it simmer! Oh well!)
Your puppy throwing up on the carpet.
Do these things suck!? Of course!
After they happen, can we change them? No.
Are they going to really make a difference in our lives?
No, not for most of us.
I'm not saying you should walk around everyday like a medicated loon just smiling and accepting everything, but I think we need to get better at using that filter.
Things that are important to you will still make you cry, laugh, yell or shoot steam out of your ears, but maybe you won't have to look back and think
"Wow, I can't believe I yelled and wanted to punch that cashier in Walmart because she was such an idiot and couldn't figure out how to ring up a freaking tomato!
(unless you're me and that event is still a sore subject)
Laugh it off!
So...remember. Only you can decide how you will feel about things.
I love you guys!