Saturday, December 13, 2008

A new blog look.

I was getting so bored with my old blog template. Therefore, a change was needed. Now all I need to do is remember to change it after Christmas is over. Well, one more week until Christmas break. I am so excited to have time off and to spend it with friends and family. I just cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. Maybe my next post will be a nice overview of this year. Sounds good. BTW, yesterday was one year down for Brian being gone on his mission. Holy cow! That went by fast. Also, Collin had his first school performance this week. He was so cute! Two kindergarten classes sang two song and rocked out with little cardboard guitars and sunglasses. Adorable.


Laci and Dan said...

Collin is such a stud!! ;)

Kelle said...

The new layout is SO cute.