Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where Did It Go?

Somewhere along the last two months, summer has come and gone. Where the heck did it go?
One day there were six weeks left and then, all of a sudden
(with no warning at all, might I add!
I'm down to six days.

Here's a look at this totally awesome and fabulous summer.

1. Swimming
2. New York
3. Arts Integration Conference
4. Brian and Lela's Wedding
5. Five Scoop - Jim Dandy Sundaes
6. Beautiful week with friends in Flagstaff.
7. Taking pictures of everything to remember everything.
8. Soaking up beach sun and playing in waves.
9. Friends, shopping, eating and rocking out at Warped Tour.
10. Laughing everyday with my completely amazing husband, family and friends.

It was a good summer.
All behind me in memories now...

Time to go back to work. I really have to!?
C'mon, just a little more time...

Sigh. Ok, I guess it's ok.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


While we were in NY it was brutal trying to not get eaten alive by mosquitos.  I hate bug bites!
(Yes, I know no one actually likes them)

We were there for about a day when Josh got a bug bite on his leg (or so we thought...)

It got bigger...and bigger...and all of a sudden his shin was swollen and red to the size of a softball!
So after him getting way more attention then he ever wants, I talked him into letting me take him to the doctor.
I worry about him!
So we went to one of those CVS clinics.
Just what everyone wants on their vacation...
A Tetnus Shot!
(During which I had to stand in the corner and face the wall. Yes, I'm very mature.)

He was very manly and fine about the whole thing but since I was upset for him he pretended to be sad so I could take a picture.

He's so sweet.  And completely adorable.

One delightful shot later and antibiotics 4 times a day for 10 days and he's all better!

And we spent the rest of the time using lots of bug spray!

Monday, July 19, 2010

C'mon, Get Happy!

Follow it.
The Part you can't slack on is the part that says "Change Something."

I found this flow chart on Kate Voegele's blog and she said she got it from The Happiness Project.

That site is by Gretchen Rubin who write the book
The Happiness Project.

She talks about how you can be happy in different parts of your life and how you can't just wait for happiness to come along.
Amen sista!

 I fully agree and say this often.
We have to make our own destiny.
We decide what we're going to be happy about and what we're going to get upset, jealous or angry about.

Isn't it better to filter out some of the things that make us angry?
Ask yourself "Does this really matter in my life?"
"Does this affect my loved ones safety and true happiness?"
"Will this have a great impact on my family, home or career?"
 You will probably realize half of those little things don't matter.

It's so easy to get frustrated over meaningless things.
The plate that got dropped on the floor and shattered.
Waking up late.
Getting every red light when you're in a hurry.
Spilling a whole glass of something you know will dry sticky.
Burning dinner. (Which I have only done once in my life, thank goodness. Because apparently I can't operate a stove and accidently turned it to HIGH when I thought I was turning it to LOW and walked away to let it simmer! Oh well!)
Your puppy throwing up on the carpet.

Do these things suck!? Of course!
After they happen, can we change themNo.
Are they going to really make a difference in our lives?
No, not for most of us.

I'm not saying you should walk around everyday like a medicated loon just smiling and accepting everything, but I think we need to get better at using that filter.

Things that are important to you will still make you cry, laugh, yell or shoot steam out of your ears, but maybe you won't have to look back and think
"Wow, I can't believe I yelled and wanted to punch that cashier in Walmart because she was such an idiot and couldn't figure out how to ring up a freaking tomato!
(unless you're me and that event is still a sore subject)
Laugh it off!

So...remember. Only you can decide how you will feel about things.

I love you guys!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New York City

NYC = Fantasmical
NYC also = Sweat lodge

This is the sphere sculpture that stood in the front plaza of the twin towers. After 9/11 it was found with all those gashes, dents and twisted metal pieces and moved to Battery Park and made into a memorial.

The sights were just as great as they always are, but it was so humid and rainy that I thought I was going to just die right there.

But...I didn't (as you can tell) and that's a good thing!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Long Island in Bloom

Long Island has so many gorgeous flowers!
Everytime I see one that catches my eye I make sure I stop and take a picture.

Just a few for your viewing pleasure...

And there are little bunnies that just hop around and eat the sweet clovers in my uncle's backyard.

Volunteer Fire Department

New York (and many other places) have volunteer firemen. When they get a call, a big and loud siren goes off that can be heard throughout the town and the volunteers come, suit up and go fight fires!

We were there hanging out while my parents talked to one of their friends at the firehouse and i'm walking around taking pictures (of course) and all of a sudden the loud siren and alarms go off. I jumped (actually jumped) screamed and ran to my mom's side like I was five years old.
Throughout the next few minutes some guys came in, suited up and left. It was very cool to see. Some jobs even let their empoyees leave if they are a volunteer firefighter and hear the siren.

It was very exciting to see.
They also had a really nice memorial in front of the firehouse.
Inside a glass window in the center it had a constantly buring flame.
It was pretty awesome.

More posts to come about other vacation stuff soon.
We're off to the city tomorrow!
Stay tuned!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Back To My Roots

In three days I will be here...

Good ol' New York.

As many of you know, I was born in New York.
My roots are there.
Well, I wasn't born in New York City.
I'm from Long Island.

If you have never been there, you have never seen one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
There are so many reasons I love going back there.
I will list them because who doesn't love a good list :)
(in no particular order...)

Reason #1 - Family.
They are crazy and fun and I never want to leave once I'm there.

#2 - The beach. East coast beaches are different than west coast beaches. Both good, just different.

#3 - The colors you can see during the actual different seasons they get to experience.

#4 - White Castle
Never going there means you are seriously missing out.

#5 - The Statue of Liberty

#6 - The Empire State Building
Standing at the top of this enormous building, looking out over the city, central park, bridges, rivers, etc. is one of my favorite places to be and truly one of my utopias.

# 7 - Hot dogs from the vendors on street corners.
Seriously. Amazing.

#8 - The history you can see all around you.
From Ground Zero to Ellis Island.
New York is beautiful.

You just have to see past the pigeons.
Which are there to greet you INSIDE the airport.

I will miss you all, but hopefully I will update while I'm away.

I'd love to hear some of your favorite places or utopias...