Monday, February 21, 2011

Rain Drops = Mud

When it rains in our lovely desert we dance in the rain.

It doesn't happen too often. 

Also, when the rain comes down, our lovely desert (a.k.a. dirt) turns to MUD.

When your dog stays outside in your backyard while you're away, this is what you're left with...

But really, who could be mad at this face!?

Until things dry up I'm going to get very good at giving her baths.

Ooooh, by the way...
Stay tuned for a giveaway right here on this very blog!
Details coming soon.  So exciting!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It Just Plain Sucks...

I had a teacher once who never let his students say "sucks" in phrases such as "this sucks", "you suck" and "aww man, that really sucks".  When a student would say it, he would reply with something witty such as "No, it doesn't suck. Vacuums suck, but this doesn't."

As I have gotten older, I rarely say "sucks".  I still stay in contact with that teacher from when I was in the 9th grade and it makes me proud to say that as a teacher now myself, I do not let my students say "sucks" either. They can opt for acceptable alternatives such as "that stinks", etc.

So, with that said...

There is no other way to put this
(without using swear words).

I think it really sucks that the people who have not been directly affected by cancer have become the minority.

I can't even count on one hand the people I know who have had to go through the ordeal of having a family member or friend with cancer.

All fight the battle in one way or another.
Many are still fighting the battle and too many have lost the battle.

We've lost mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
We support those who are fighting.

We love you.

And cancer just plain sucks.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lost: One Immune System

Being sick is never any fun. I had to leave work early on Friday and go to urgent care. 
 I felt so horrible and everytime I coughed it felt like my lungs were on fire. 
Apparently, I have a sinus infection and they also checked for the flu.

 The amazing doctor gave me three prescriptions and I've been taking them as often as I'm allowed.

So, I have been bed ridden since Friday and I stilll don't feel in tip top shape.
Keep your fingers crossed I only get better and can make it through the week.

And if you see my immune system walking around, please tell her to come home!