Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Birthdays, Scrabble and Cars!

Things have been busy!

I turned 25.
I guess it wasn't so bad...well...
It wasn't quite easy to turn 25, but i'm totally over it now!
Bowling was terrific.

Josh got me a really awesome Onyx Edition of Scrabble!

The most amazing part is that Josh and I played a game where we used EVERY SINGLE TILE!!!!
That's right!
No letters we couldn't use and everything made a legit word!!
What are the odds of being able to do that?
Usually there is an X or a Q or something that you can't use at the end...but not for that game!

(I was wicked excited!)

Alright...moving on...

Remember how I have not had A/C in my car for the last three years? That's right. I had no A/C and my drive is 40 minutes ONE WAY every day
I was very patient and it paid off...

WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a 2010 Nissan Altima with ten miles on it!
I love it.

You may also remember how I said I would cry and it would kill me to have to get rid of my car?
Well, I did cry. Just a little bit.
I'm a little sentimental.
But look how much bigger my new car (right)
is than my old car (left)!

Nope, it's not just the angle. It's really that much bigger!

So...things have been pretty much great.
We will be very poor now that I have such an amazing car,
but, oh well!
Totally worth it!
I guess 25 isn't so bad...


*Becky* said...

Love the car, and the scrabble and I too am amazed that you used every single tile in that game!! good job.

Laci and Dan said...

When's girls night?? Still want a ride!!! =) Such a sexy car!!