Monday, December 6, 2010

Thank You Notes No.2

Dear Spoof Movies,
Thank you for allowing me to save my money be creating yet another horrible looking film. Vampires Suck...thanks, but no thanks. I'll keep my blood and my money!

Dear Animal Planet,
Thank you for airing "America's Cutest Cat 2010."  It is nice to have things to laugh at while browing through my cable guide.

Dear Electronic Christmas Cards,
Thank you for allowing people to put even less effort into sending holiday wishes. Your upside...saving the Earth. I guess it evens out.

Dear Big Name Companies,
Thank you for drilling your slogans into children. You would not believe how much my students, at 10 years old, know about advertising. They'll never be dooped because they didn't read the fine print! 

Dear The Holiday Season,
Thank you for being so fun, even though you are so much work.

Christmas time is in full swing!
Let's do this!

1 comment:

*Becky* said...

ahaha I laughed at all of this. you rock